Nov 18, 2009

Clamo, clamatis, omnes clamamus pro glace lactis - I scream, you scream, we all scream for icecream.

I like whimsy and fall and summer nights and the way light reflects off of eyes and that rotten apples smell and nostalgia and lazy Sundays and sluggish January and boots and kindness and thoughtful gestures and confetti and folk music and overcast skies and rainbow cardigans and 80's jangle pop and geography and history and wanderlust and homesickness and burnt matches and laughing till my guts ache and newspaper and adventuring and tacos and surprises and carrot cake and coffee and mornings and sunrises and mini wheat’s and warmth and dead leaves and being alone and literature and pen pals and static electricity and flea malls and meteor showers and the fact that we are shooting through space at a startling velocity.

I should be studying French right now; actually I should be doing a lot of things. But instead I’m writing this. My exams are just around the corner but I still haven’t summoned up the dedication to seriously pick up a textbook, in a desperate hope that nature will intervene and an apocalypse will occur or something to that effect and prevent me from sitting for my exams.

No such luck so far, but hey, I’m being optimistic. In a very warped and ironic sense.

I was listening to my friends, Carina and Amit, having this conversation which involved the Iphone – I was desperately trying to finish me chemistry question bank at the time so I was not participating in it. Carina said something which caught my attention – “is there anything the Iphone can’t do?”

Speaking of question banks and the like, I wrote something in English which I think – when tweaked a little – might have some serious story potential. It began like this –

Midnight blankets the cemetery, where death lurks at the foot of every gravestone and each ominous shadow belongs to the Reaper’s hand. The air sighs with the plaintive breaths of souls. Stone angels hold vigil, their hard eyes gazing emptily over the sleeping dead.

And in a secluded corner, by the eerie silhouette of a stiff, marble cross, a shovel cuts through the earth.

Someone’s digging up the past.

But I have no time to pursue that right now – in fact I had really better get studying. ..

I do have these exams. Nasty lil'buggers. This could be a reflection of my upcoming maths paper -


And people ask my why I didn't opt for physics. Still chemistry is scary enough...

I’ve decided that I’m going to have to considerably shorten the length of my blogs if I want to update regularly so that is what I’m going to do. That way all you bored people out there; with nothing better to do than read the twisted rambles of a fifteen-year old girl, will hopefully have an update almost every day. Although most of it will probably be spent on whining about how evil examinations are and how the entire educational system should be discarded and how I don’t really give a damn if “pink is the new orange”.

Confusing stuff.

Nov 11, 2009

Ad absurdum - To the point of absurdity

"I do my thing and you do your thing. I am not in this world to live up to your expectations, and you are not in this world to live up to mine. You are you and I am I and if by chance we find each other, it's beautiful"--Frederick E. Perl.

You can push us.

You can bend us.
You can break us.
And since we don't like the rules.
We make our own.

I am back.

After a ridiculously long time, I am well aware of that. But if you can find it in your hearts to forgive me and not subject me to some sort of horrible torture (such as tickling me – I am incredibly ticklish - a fact which, to my never-ending horror, everyone seems to have discovered lately and have been using against poor defenceless me) I promise to try (that being the key-word) to be more regular in my updates.

I suppose I should start with the most interesting – my last Goa holiday. Very enjoyable experience, well for the first say fourteen hours (twelve of which I was probably asleep), until I stepped on a catfish. Yes, that’s right, no it is not a typo or some kind of error made on my part or the computers. I stepped on a gosh-darn-bloody-catfish. Well, it wasn’t bloody before the incident but since I may have ripped out its spine it probably was afterwards. Wait – what do you mean poor catfish? There I was, happily surfing and minding my own business when – wham – I have this great big serrated spike going through my foot. As in, it was protruding from both ends.

I should have taken loads of gory pictures and posted them on here just to freak you people out but strangely enough at the time of the whole incident I wasn’t too focused on really taking snapshots of it as souvenirs. In fact the things that I said during the far-too-long drive to the doctors consisted of “don’t touch it!” and “oww! How can you say ‘it’s alright?’ IT’S NOT ALRIGHT!” and other babble which I cannot be bothered to repeat mainly because even I have not the foggiest idea what I was going on about. Oh, and as a double whammy the stupid catfish was also poisonous and since I refused to take pain killers I was in agony for a few hours afterwards. Happy memories indeed.

My social life has been reduced to practically nothing in event of the upcoming exams (damn you education system) at this rate I’m going to have to turn schizophrenic and resort to yelling at imaginary people in my mind. What can I say - people have weird conversations sometimes and I am not exception.

Umm, pretend you never read that, it’ll be easier to pretend I’m sane that way. I'm pretty sure I have a dysfunctional brain. Hmm...

1. Undiagnosed mental disease.

2. Evolution malfunction.

3. Abducted by aliens and probed.

4. Unknowingly exposed to crack at a young age.

5. Scientific experiment.

6. Mistaken car exhaust pipe for pacifier.

Pick anyone, at this point there all equally possible.

The weather has been crappy lately, but I’m not really complaining that much – it got me a day of no school. Still, it’s fine today so all that hype about hurricanes was totally farce. We need more accurate ways of predicting the weather. Might I suggest -

Much more effective than all those satellites in space.

So maths is annoying me, so was chemistry but Amit really helped me out with that one. Maths is just... annoying really. Who the hell had time to actually sit down and think all that stuff up? I mean, who cares what angle a triangle is? My exam paper is probably going to end up something like this:

When am I ever going to apply that in the future?
The future. Wonder what kind of wacky inventions we'd have come up with by then...

I have a couple of really important things to do. I don’t ordinarily like change, things are normally great the way they are, but this really needs to happen and I might as well be the one to initiate it. Otherwise it’s going to blow up in my face big time. Sorry, I’m being cryptic but if everything goes accordingly (and I half hope that it doesn’t) you’ll know what I mean.

So yesterday I was utterly appalled to find myself using the world “LOL” at awkward pauses in the conversation. Which is one reason why chatting across the internet is so bothersome, what do you do when you run out of things to say? Apparently, type “LOL”.

But you already know, for a considerably lenthy blog entry which I previously posted, that I detest such usage. Words are precious, use them carefully.

Until next time (and there will be a next time, soon hopefully),
