Sep 4, 2009

Stercus tauri - bullshit.

Teachers' day was a blast but I was absolutely shattered from it, my body was not designed to function, much less report to school, at 7:30 in the morning. The play that we put on, the one which I was frantically typing the script for the evening before, was a success! All the actors (and actresses) were pretty amazing amazing seeing as we hadn’t even properly rehearsed the whole thing. I’ve spent two hours or so catching up on my much needed beauty sleep upon my return and the rest of the time correcting speeches for the whole election thing going on in RIMS on monday, making a pass-the-parcel for my brother’s birthday which happens to be tomorrow and loafing around the house.

Confession of a word addict: I love the words 'oxymoron,' 'conundrum' and 'floozy.'

...because they sound so awesomely weird.

This made me laugh:

Zombies’ invasions are silly and if someone mentions to me that the world might possibly end by a zombie epidemic, again, then I shall probably be unable to refrain from hitting them. Yes, Draven, that was directed towards you.

Cara called me up just now and told me of her great pigeon escapade so this is in her honour:

Over at my friend’s house, the proverbial shit has hit the proverbial fan. Her mother seems to have declared war on her new sister-in-law who is living with them. Note to self: If I ever wish to get married try to find a husband whose in-laws are either incredibly kind to a fault or deceased.

Yes, I say if, because right now I sort of view marriage as the last legal form of slavery.

But enough about my matrimonial views, so I've realised just how many of my friend's haven't read the 7th Harry Potter book and have given up on the series altogether. READ IT PEOPLE! It's an epic novel:

Anyway, I’m going to go and lounge in front of the idiot box and plan world domination using penguins with insanely cute bobble hats or something to that effect,


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